April 17, 2017 - When It Seems Like Jesus Has Failed Us

After that he appeared in another form unto the two of them, as they walked, and he went into the country.  Mark 16:12

Sometimes it can seem as though God has failed us, that He hasn’t done what He said He would do. Maybe some very difficult situation has become a part of our lives. Because it has happen we can become disillusioned and disappointed with the Lord Himself because He has allowed it.

That is how two of the Lord’s disciples felt after the Crucifixion of Jesus.  They had lost hope, and sadness had overtaken them. They had  left the city and the place of the cross, going back to their original lives.  When Jesus appeared to them, they were walking away from Jerusalem into the country (see Mark 16:12). In their thinking , Jesus had failed them but in reality they had misunderstood the Lord’s purpose for coming to the earth. Their wrong desires had helped them to formulate opinions on what they thought Christ had come to do. They thought He would be a militant Messiah, not a suffering Savior.

If they had read the Scriptures carefully, and listened more carefully to His daily teachings  they would have come to a full and clear understanding that He was going to suffer and die for the sins of all mankind. The Old Testament was full of details and Jesus while on this earth declared this over and over.

That was the problem with these discouraged disciples, that was the reason they were leaving Jerusalem. In their minds and hearts it was over. Jesus had died and He had failed them. They were headed back to the way life was before they began following this ONE who said He was the Messiah. Life for them was miserable again because in their minds CHRISTHAD FAILED and had FAILED THEM.

For those of us who have read the Bible we know that in time these two as well as thousands and thousands of others who thought God had failed, realized that He had not failed but fulfilled what He needed to do and three days later arose from the dead.

Jesus was doing exactly what He had set out to do, and they had misunderstood. And when it seems like God has failed them, it is because they had failed to understand what He had said and what His purpose was.

So for each of us today the lesson is that when it seems that Jesus has failed us we must remember that Jesus has not failed but we have failed to understand.  Exercise patience, trust the Lord to reveal His purpose in His time!

                                                         JESUS NEVER FAILS! WHEN IT SEEMS AS IF HE HAS
                                                                         LOOK WITHIN AND SEE IF WE HAVE FAILED IN
                                                                                                                           LISTENING TO HIS WORD’S !