April 2, 2017 - World Death Rate Holds Steady @ 100%

The satirical site The Onion ran a humorous (note: fictional) article with a biting truth. The article was titled "World Death Rate Holding Steady at 100 Percent." The article reported:
World Health Organization officials expressed disappointment Monday at the group's finding that, despite the enormous efforts of doctors, rescue workers and other medical professionals worldwide, the global death rate remains constant at 100 percent.
Death, a metabolic affliction causing total shutdown of all life functions, has long been considered humanity's number one health concern. Responsible for 100 percent of all recorded fatalities worldwide, the condition has no cure.
"I was really hoping, what with all those new radiology treatments, rescue helicopters, cutting edge surgeries, health foods/ herbs, new medicines and what have you, that we might at least make a dent in it this year," World Health Organization Director General Dr. Gernst Bladt said. "Unfortunately, it would appear that the death rate remains constant and total, as it has inviolably since the dawn of time.”

The above satire was meant to be humorous but in reality it is very sobering and serious. The reason for this reality is because man sinned and God sentenced death to all who would be born of women. Physical death is appointed unto every human. But the more stark reality is that eternal death is also appointed unto those who refuse to repent of their sinfulness and receive the Lord Jesus Christ. 100% of all who refuse to receive Christ will die forever and forever. Yes 100% ! There has never nor ever will be any improvement on that rate of eternal death for all rejectors of God’s only plan for eternal life, -  the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Physical death is appointed unto 100% of all humans but the good news is that eternal death is only appointed to rejectors of Christ but the gift to all who receive Christ’s gift of forgiveness of sin is eternal life.