July 14, 2015 - The Supreme Courts Rebellious Decision!

It has been several weeks since the landmark 5-4 ruling by our United States Supreme Court in favor of same-sex marriage.

As a Christian husband, father, grandfather and pastor it is still very alarming and grieving to me because it reveals the modern Court is still choosing to act completely different than their predecessors did for nearly 200 years.  Our Judicial system was founded upon biblical justice and most of our justices were very influenced by what God's Word the Bible had to say. Over the last 50 years we have seen a very visible change in that attitude including such decisions to mention only a few,  taking prayer out of public schools, the Ten Commandments not allowed to be in public institutions, abortion, and now same sex- marriage. 

A month later I still find my heart is grieving at the Court's decision mainly because in their ignoring biblical revelation they are attempting to redefine the creator God's holy institution of marriage.

Make no doubt about it, marriage was God's idea, and He has clearly instituted it for His divine purposes. He is the ONE who knows what it is for and how it is to work. He created man and women for such and how He created us in body, soul and mind is how it is to work for God's glory and mans good. From Creation itself, God made marriage a sacred union between a man and a women and nature itself teaches us this is how we have been created. The problem is that the first man and women rebelled against God and sin entered the world along with its curse. Now everyone born of women has a sin nature that wants to rebel against God in multiple ways including what He has said about marriage.

The Bible is God's divine WORD. Creator God chose to give to humanity His Word in written form. He chose to come upon use certain men to write out what he wanted to tell humans about Himself , themselves and how to live in harmony with Him and with each other on this earth, which He created. We find this in 1st Peter 1:21 and many other places in the Bible. Those who follow the ONE and True Living God believe that God's Word is authoritative and is the source of all truth. Because of this we choose to listen to God rather than man. The Bible  teaches us in it's first chapter of its first book that God created man and women and in the second chapter of the first book He said, " Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."  Genesis 2:24. And in the first book of the New Testament Matthew records our Lord Jesus quoting from this passage, affirming that marriage between a man and a women was God's special institution " at the beginning", thus it should still be obeyed and practiced in this dispensation. Matthew 19:4-5.

Let know one misunderstand the action of our Supreme Court and the desire of many in our nation including President Obama that it is an attempt to redefine marriage to be what man says and not what God says. It is a bold proclamation that they don't believe that God is sacred and sovereign. And that His divine revelation the Bible is not to be believed or practiced. It boldly proclaims that there is no God to be accounted to and man is smart enough to define anything it wants to define. Make no mistake this arrogant rebellion did not start here and it will not end here. What is taking place with the Court's decision will not stop with that decision. There will be many more rebellious decisions until Jesus returns.

Any decision that is made contrary to God's Word will bring devastating results to mankind. At first it may seem that things will work but in reality if we do not work things the way God says they will not work in the long haul. So unless this decision is turned around and others that preceded it, America can count on a deep slide into greater depravity bringing difficulty, disasters and inevitable destruction because she has lost the blessings of God that come by believing God's ways are holy and healthy. Practicing God's principles bring life while rejecting and redefining right only brings death.

In the next BishirBlog I will address how Christians should continue to respond to many of our national leaders who are reflections of so many in our nation yet thankfully I have hope that there are still enough righteous people to make a huge difference for Christ in America !