October 27, 2016 - Principles to Vote By

In less then two weeks will be election day 2016. In fact over the last month or so many Americans have already voted. My wife and I would be among those early voters as we see it as a privileged opportunity and responsibility as  good American citizens and a Bible believing christians. I am very thankful for those who in the past paid a great price to pass down to this American citizen the freedom to vote for leaders in our communities and country!

Their are many complex issues today, and Americans have many reasons to be concerned about national debt, constitutional interpretation, economic decisions, health care, terrorism, education, jobs, immigration, taxes, and so many more important concerns.  Every year our best choice for all areas of concern may not be present in one candidate,  and this year is no exception for sure!

How do we choose the most important issues as we vote?  As a Born Again/Bible Believing Christian there are  Bible Principles that are most important to me as I cast my ballot.  These principles govern me in choosing those who govern my community and country.  Yes there are many other things that help me to cast my vote but a few things are much more important as I understand clearly the importance my Lord puts on them.  The fewer primary principles help me to simplify my decisions in the voting process!

                                                     PRINCIPLES THAT HELP ME IN  MY VOTING

 Every unborn child is a precious person - one who God created and breathed life into their soul. They deserve the opportunity to live and they deserve to be protected. Jeremiah 1:5 teaches us that unborn babies in the womb of their mother are persons. " Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest out of the womb I sanctified thee, and ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." THIS FOR ME A MAJOR VOTING ISSUE!

The Lord God promises a special blessing to nations who support and pray for Israel and a curse to those who harm her. Genesis 12:3 says, " And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth the; and in thee will all the families of the earth be blessed." The Bible prophesies a day when Israel will be betrayed in the Tribulation. I see in our globalization of governments and economies how that day may be sooner than any of us think. I also see in our present national leadership a lessening of loyalty to the state of Israel and a greater love for the enemies of Israel. This is dangerous for our beloved nation.  I believe that God's Word is clear that people should support Israel and thus I will vote first for candidates who will do so.  THIS  FOR ME A  MAJOR VOTING ISSUE!

From the very creation of man , God built the home as the foundation and fabric for a healthy society ( Genesis 1:27, 2;24; Ephesians 5:22-25). Any one running for office who attempts to redefine the biblical foundation and marriage is helping to destroy our great land  by undermining one of its foundations. Marriage is to be between one women and one man. We need God's blessing on this land not God's judgement. Thus I will vote for the best candidates possible concerning this issue. THIS FOR ME A MAJOR VOTING ISSUE!

As we study our original national constitution and the history of the founding of our country we are brought to the stark reality that the vast majority of or Founding Fathers were used to forge out a constitution influenced greatly by the WORD OF GOD!  Our nation was divinely raised up by the Lord God who influenced leaders to give to us laws for our land that were rooted in HIS very own laws. We do not need a redefining of our constitution by today's thoughts. We need Supreme Court Justices who will interpret our original laws as they were intended to be in there origin. Thus I will vote for the candidates that help the most to appoint judges and justices to our courts who will do so. THIS FOR ME IS A MAJOR  VOTING ISSUE!

Now there are no doubts that there are many issues and yes they are major as well, but for me these four issues are always on top of my list when I walk into the voting booth and cast my ONE VOTE and enjoy my great freedom and help to preserve our society.

 I as a  BORN-AGAIN/ BIBLE BELIEVING Christian will vote for candidates whose beliefs most closely reflect Bible-based values which is even more important then race, gender, party, or special interests.  And I would encourage all other believers to do the same!