September 7, 2017 - You Have a Story That Needs Told

You Have A Story That Needs Told!

Ever noticed how people love listening to a good story especially a true one. And when it comes to sharing your faith, one of the most effective tools in our evangelistic toolbox is our personal testimony. Why just the other day I was preaching a funeral and began sharing my story of how I came to Christ and I noticed how I gained attention of some who before were not nearly as engaged. Not to long ago I was in a hospital room visiting one of our church members and I began sharing some things about how I came to Christ and it was evident the attending nurse began to tune in. Everyone likes to hear a good story!

Our testimony’s are powerful bridge builders. It’s a way to connect with your listener so that they can see how your life has been changed by the mighty power of Jesus Christ and how it happened in a common and real life setting. Just like the one they are living out!  It’s a way to engage people, build a bridge, and help them see how they can come to faith as well.

Sharing your testimony is a great way to indirectly preach the gospel. For me my personal testimony would sound like this. Before I was saved my life was filled with emptiness and I sought many sinful ways to bring satisfaction but nothing helped. I didn’t know what my problem was.  But one day a young lady invited me to church and there I heard the pastor explain the gospel. He helped me understand that mans problem was personal sin and that we would never be satisfied in life until we had our sins forgiven. That Christ paid for mans sins and offered forgiveness to all who would repent and put their faith in Christ’s payment on the cross.

You can actually share the gospel while you are telling your own story. And when you’re done, you can say, “What do you think about that? Have you ever heard that before? Have you ever seen a life changed like that before? Have you ever considered who Jesus is and what He can do for you?” Simply share with them what Jesus has done for you and what He has done for you He will do for them!

What’s your story? Everyone has one. Every Christian has a testimony, and every testimony is credible and sings of the amazing grace of Jesus.

When you really think about, every Christian’s testimony is essentially the same. We were all lost. We were all separated from God. We were all guilty and lonely and afraid to die. And we were all on our way to Hell. But Jesus Christ, in His grace, intervened in our lives and transformed us.

 That is my story, that is your story and it is worth telling because when we do others will listen and some will be saved!

 “ God can turn our mess into a message”