

How I came into relationship with Jesus Christ.
At the age of 19, I was becoming unsatisfied with life and was getting in trouble with the law.  At that time, my (now) wife, Karen, invited me to church.  I accepted Christ the second time I went to church when I heard the Gospel.  My life was totally changed and I felt the call to preach.

How I came to Liberty Baptist.
I was on staff at Union Chapel Baptist Church when Liberty came to ask Union to take over their church to help them grow.  I began preaching at Liberty's services and worked at both churches for two years.  Once I saw the growth at Liberty, I moved over full-time.

What I do at Liberty Baptist.
Oversight of the congregation and church staff, lead the vision for the church, shepherd the church flock, and preach the Word.

Why I do what I do.
The call and equipping of God in my life is my reason for being a pastor.

At Liberty Baptist since June 1987.

On staff since June 1987.

Educational Background.
Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Theology from Hyles-Anderson College.

Favorite verse.
I have a new favorite verse every week!

​​Married to Karen.

Children: Beth, Abby, Matthew, Rachel

What I do for fun.
Fishing, working around his yard and house, and times of being alone.