Archives for October 2015

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October 29, 2015 - Helping Teenagers Find Success in Life & Eternity

​Teenagers are no longer children nor are they adults. They seem to be a mixture of both. At times they seem to be more like children and at other times they can be very adult like. Parenting, teaching, mentoring and ministering to teens can be somewhat confusing at times. It can be difficult to teach, lead, and develop teens because from one minute to the next they seem...

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October 9, 2015 - Trusting God in the Hard Areas

For some it seems very hard to repent and receive Christ as Savior. According to Matthew 7 receiving Christ is compared to a Narrow Gate and a Wide Gate, so certainly any time someoneTRUSTS CHRISTfor Salvationit was not an easy decision. But for me trusting God for His forgiveness and salvation concerning eternity was easier than trusting Him for some of the things in this...

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October 5, 2015 - Uninvited Guests

Do you haveUNINVITED GUESTSin your living room, bed room, office, car or many other places?TELEVISIONAmericans view an average of twenty-eight hours of television per week, the highest viewing rate in the world. When an American turns eighteen, on average he has seen 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence. Nearly two-thirds of sampled programming in the 2001...

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