Archives for June 2015

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June 29, 2015 - My People, My Church

I want My Church to become the church of others. My Family, My Neighbors, My Friends, My Co-Workers, really all My Acquaintances. I love the church God has called me to be a part of and I think it is a place others can benefit from in this world and the next! I pray daily for our church to be strong, vibrant, powerful in the Spirit and practical in meeting both spiritual ...

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June 16, 2015 - Being a Friend, Brings Friends

The Bible teaches us over and over that " Jesus is aFRIENDthat sticketh closer than a brother"! Like the song says, No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus! He is a true friend. He was even a friend to the end for the disloyal and betraying Judas ( Matthew 26:50). Even while being betrayed He called Judas "friend". Jesus was and is a friend of sinners! Jesus declared that Laza...

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June 12, 2015 - Bringing Light To Your Day!

Today is as bright as the promises of god!Our days are filled with good things and bad. If you are like me your emotions often attempt to turn your day into DARK One instead of a light one! If we forget god's promises, we will often only endure the day instead of enjoy the day. A lost day is one of life's great losses. may i suggest several promises from god that will help...

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June 1, 2015 - Marriage, God's Way

Yesterday at Liberty we preached from Matthew 19:1-12 on Marriage and Singleness. Also we taught about Divorce and what Jesus said about it. In preparation for the messages I was so very aware that most everyone I would speak to have been affected in some way with divorce. Either directly or indirectly. It was my goal to represent truthfully God's Word and at the same time...

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